Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring Fever

I'm getting my daily dose of vitamin D.

After a long, cold winter of discontent, spring has finally peeped around the corner of Philadelphia. I've decided to make the proverbial lemonaide from my car repair lemons by walking to work every day this week.

It's been wonderful, just being in the fresh air, listening to my favorite music, seeing things that I would normally miss either in the car or on my bike. I've been getting my coffee from a small little independent shop, watching the flowers pushing through the earth, the doggies straining on their leashes and the people out and about like me, enjoying the subtle weather changes.

Even the rain has been nice, that gentle spring mist that somehow enhances the birdsongs.

I've been taking shortcuts through the historic alleys and cemetaries of Philadelphia. (Always in the daylight-- don't worry, Mom!) I've been taking joy in simple things like a shock of new green grass at a tree base, a hint of blossom on a tree and an unexpectedly warm breeze.

It feels good, this spring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for walking taking in the springness. I think we all needed a break from the winter blues.