Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Back in Black

I'm headed back to the Walnut Street Theatre today, after two weeks of vacation... er... unemployment. I'll be covering Les Miserables for the next two weeks while Lori, the stage manager, takes a vacation.

To celebrate a return to backstage, I treated myself to a new pair of shoes:

I've always thought that all-black Chucks were the quintessential backstage shoe. And in high school, only the coolest kids had them. It's time for me to be stylin' like a cool kid backstage. I haven't worked backstage in a very long time- I'm used to being in the booth. But I must admit that I've missed the backstage pace, and especially in a union house like the Walnut, where I will not be touching anything, merely directing traffic and passing out tissues. Good times.

Of course every good backstage stage manager needs a flashlight, and mine is long gone after years of not being used. So I had to pick one up today:

I'm ready, Les Mis. Let's do this.

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