Sunday, October 19, 2008

Comfort Food

I'm having a really hard time kicking this cold-- I woke up this morning feeling like crap. Ugh, the fatigue and the stuffiness are never-ending!

There's really not much a girl can do about a cold like this except for drinking lots of orange juice and generally wallowing in her misery, but even that gets old after a while. Instead I've been catching up on my politics and soothing my aching throat, stuffed head and cloudy brain with my favorite comfort food: a grilled cheese sandwich and a cup of tomato soup.

Of course the above picture isn't mine-- my homemade meal isn't nearly as fancy. I just crack open a can of Campbell's Tomato soup and throw a mixture of thinly sliced sharp cheddar and pepperjack cheese on some toast. Delicious, filling, satisfying... comforting. I like to dip my cheese sandwich into the soup, and when I've finished the sandwich, I eat the rest of the soup with some Cheez-Its, which Deb thinks is weird and gross, but I think is delicious.

Anyway, catching up on politics has brought me (and my friend mona-- great minds think alike!) to be incredibly angry about the McCain supporter's remark about Obama being an Arab and McCain's response. Why aren't more people angry about this? Although Obama is neither Arab nor Muslim, neither of those things ARE BAD! We are talking about a whole race of people, a world-wide religion, how dare we have the blind, willing ignorance in this country to continue to insinuate that all Muslims are terrorists?

Lest we forget, before 9/11, the last terrorist who struck American soil was himself an American, and a Christian. Timothy McVeigh does not represent all Christians. Why on earth would we assume that Osama bin Laden represents all Muslims?

Okay, rant over. Here are a couple of clips regarding this whole situation that I've found amusing and thought-provoking.

SNL, you've done it again:

And this is a great clip from Real Time with Bill Maher (I know, I know: I think he's a blowhard too, but much to Deb's chagrin I'm kind of amused by him) that has some interesting points about socialism, and it's role in world politics. But more to the point, at about 5:15 into the clip, Ben Affleck nails the whole Obama/Arab point home. Good on you, Affleck! Who knew Benny from the Block was so articulate, educated and thoughtful?

Okay, I'm going back to bed. Hopefully I will feel better soon, because being sick really blows.

1 comment:

Mona Zenhom said...

Great minds indeed ;)Benny from the block! hee! Yea that made me like him a whole lot more.