Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Business of Eating

Deb and I went to see the documentary Food, Inc. yesterday. It was amazing. I encourage all of you to check it out-- it's a good look at how our food system has become totally industrialized.

I mean, do you really KNOW what's in your food? What do all of those dense words in the ingredient list mean? And where are they coming from?

This movie really helped to solidify my commitment to eating whole foods that hopefully come from local sources. Oh, and seeing the inside of some of those slaughterhouses made me happy to have chosen vegetarianism.

I can't recommend this movie enough. And for those of you in the Philadelphia area who want good local food sources, I encourage you to check out this website for information about farmer's markets and buying clubs that will deliver you a box of local produce, dairy products, grassfed meats and eggs every week. Amazing, and actually very affordable.

Your body will thank you for filling it up with such good stuff!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that link. I've been working really hard on eating whole foods and buying local when possible. Truth is, I think it's the core of my weight loss too. Your body really will thank you!