Thursday, June 14, 2007

the rise and fall of sara's obsession

I'm obsessed. I just got the first season box set in the mail, and I just can't tear my eyes away. The dialogue, the Shakespearean story lines, the sumptuous costumes, the naked people.... did I mention there's a lot of naked people? Jeez, we complain about the decadence of our own culture-- the Romans did it right. And wrong. And every way inbetween.

But I must say it's the political intrigue that really keeps me riveted.... funny that I already know how it all ends, and yet I devour each episode with the frantic yearning of the pious.

Most especially I enjoy the intertwine of religion and politics, friend and enemy, lover and warrior.

I haven't started the second season, so no spoilers, people. And I'm not overly eager to, either.... I know it's the last one and I just don't think I'll be able to bear knowing that I've seen all there is to see of Rome.

Et tu, Rome!

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