Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ink Fest

This image popped up under a google search for tattoo art. I think it's completely apppropriate.

Anyway, Deb and I went to Philadelphia Eddie's Fall Tattoo Convention today. It was so much fun. From the moment we walked into the door, we heard the cacophony of a hundred buzzing tattoo needles and smelled that sharp sweat and adrenaline mix that accompanies all good tattooing sessions. Plus the merchandise: tattoo flash on T-shirts, purses, thongs, slabs of wood, bumper stickers... you name it. I snagged a rad pair of skull earrings and Deb picked up a great flash art T-shirt from a tattoo parlor based in San Diego.

We flipped through a bunch of artist's books and saw some really impressive artwork and some really stupid tattoo ideas. I'm going to go on record here and say that I just don't understand what drives people to get life-like portraits of celebrities permanently etched on their bodies.

But anyway, after wandering around and taking in all of the sights (half of the fun is seeing what kind of people show up to a tattoo convention!!) we enjoyed some Bi Bim Bop at Tampopo and discussed our next tattoos. When we have the money, of course. Currently I'm tossing three ideas around-- a growth themed tattoo for my 30th birthday, some sort of greyhound themed tattoo (shut up), and something else, which is still germinating and not yet ready to be expressed here.

In any case, after today's convention, my body is sure itching for some new ink.

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