Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor of Love

Happy Labor Day! And appropriately, Deb is back at work and I am still unemployed, trying desperately to pinch my pennies until that good old government check comes in. We're making it work, though, living the American Dream. Or something like that.

We were very disappointed not to have either the means or nor the dispositions to go back to the beach with the Manton Street girls, but Deb, Hyde and I managed to have a fun Sunday evening/Monday afternoon anyway. Sunday night I invited Alison, AJ and Melanie over for a little deck time. Deb joined us after work. We ate pizza, drank beer and had a wonderful relaxing evening together, something we haven't done in waaaay too long.

Monday we were invited to Lindsay and Carrie's block party on League Street, which was totally awesome. All of the neighbors placed their tables and chairs outside and got busy cooking. Periodically they walked up and down the block, offering delicious food from the BBQ's that had been dragged into the center of the street. There were kids and dogs running around, and plenty of beer and meat and salad and desserts for everyone. I love their street-- so much so that Deb and I actually toured a house for rent there, thinking seriously about joining the commune. Everyone is so friendly and diverse.

Some highlights from Sunday and Monday:

New favorite thing: flatbread pizzas on the deck. Alison models hers.

Won't you please feed me? Look how cute I am!

A cucumber? What the heck is this?

Classic picture from the block party: Deb chases Max away from her food on the left, while Lola sneaks in for the kill on the right.

Hyde and Max, the two old men at the party.

Even the foster kitties got in on the action-- this one samples Deb's beer.

Relaxing after a looong day of fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Black Jack will eat Cucumbers, but nothing else that is green.